Opinions On Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC Repair


I have a Mark Levinson No. 36 DAC that has served me well for quite a number of years. It has recently given up the ghost and the local Mark Levinson dealer wants to charge about $700 to have it repaired which I thought exorbitant considering it doesn't have much of a resale value. I run it with a Micromega Solo CD Player which I use as a transport. Am I better junking the DAC and using the $700 towards a new DAC? With current digital, is the sound of the Mark Levinson No. 36 pretty much obsolete now and can less $ buy better sound?

Thanks for your views.


Levinson left me "orphaned" with am $8k Model 35 DAC. They wouldn't upgrade it (although that was one of the promises made to sell it to me in the first place), because they discontinued the piece and service was horrific and expensive.

It was a bad time for Levinson and I hear they may be better now, but I've never done business with them again and got rid of two other pieces of Levinson at the same time, b/c of their repair policies and costs.

I'd go with more up to date technology, anyway.
I had my 36 repaired by Levinson repair guys at Harmon. You *will* pay within about $50 of the "it won't cost anymore than $XXX.XX no matter what's wrong with it" price. Mine turned out to just have a few bad electrolytic caps due to age in one analoge section, but they did replace a number of like caps throughout the entire unit. The repair cost was over $700.00, and it will cost you even more if you don't return it in the correct Levinson box, because you will get it back in the correct Levinson box. If I had to do it again, I would seriously consider using a capable third-party repair shop for about half the price of what I paid.
It is a shame that ML (Harmon)no longer services their equipment at the factor. They have (3) authorized repair centers around the USA, Calif, Tx, NY.
I'm looking to have my ML 20.6's sent to HEAR (High end audio repair) or Musical Concepts to fix them.
If you like the ML sound get it fixed by a 3rd party.
Some people do not like the sound of ML equipment some do. There is always something better sounding out there.
When I called ML to get new shipping boxes for my 20.6's (after much delay) they sent me new boxes without charging me for the boxes or shipping.
If anyone has good luck with 3rd party repair shops for ML equipment please let me know.
Joe Nies