Opinions on Mogami Cable?

I wanted to get some opinion on Mogami Cable. I am considering building Biwire cable with Mogami 3104, RCA interconnects with 2524 and some Video cable with their 75 Ohm cables. I come from the world of pro sound and Mogami has been around for a long time but I don't see to many posts about it. It seems that when I check out most major cable manufacturers you get a lot of marketing blah blah blah without a ton of wire specs. On the Mogami site there are specs without any marketing hype. So am I on the right track here. Will Mogami ring true for me? Same thing sort of applies to Canare wire. Opinions please?

02-01-11: Jazzgene

How did you come to the conclusion that 2534 has more shielding than a 2549?

I remember reading about this issue in various places on the web, though now I can't recall where exactly. Perhaps what I meant was that, as you stated, the 2534 is a quad cable while the 2549 is a twisted pair. The thing that stuck with me was that 2534 should be used in areas of high interference. If this situation doesn't exist, use the 2549.

Anyway, here is a response I found on the Gearslutz forum by a Mogami rep to an inquiry about the differences between 2534 and 2549: "I do recommend 2534 anytime noise is the most important issue while being as transparent as possible. That is what we use in our Gold Studio cables. As I mentioned noise intrusion is often more noticeable when recording that last decibel above human hearing. If noise is not a big problem our 2549 is actually world class for a twisted pair noise rejection, and the golden ears among us can hear the difference in fidelity compared to the slightly softened transients of a quad. But we are definitely comparing subtleties here."

There is more info on the Mogami website for these 2 cables.

I have never heard 2534, either in balanced or SE, so can't comment on the differences from a personal experience.
The 2534s sound much more transparant than the 2549s wired as SEs.

The thing is I've never had interference problems with any cables... So I can't really say but in theory, the quad should be the best for noise.
I just ordered a pair of 2534's from Redco. $45 shipped. Will compare to the 2549's and report any interesting findings.
@Magfan, you found them at guitar center because they are marketed as a high end microphone cable for studio recording and live performance. At the price the quality of the cable is amazing. At higher prices the quality is still amazing, which is why so many recording studio's use Mogami to wire their systems. On the audiophile scene, this is actually the first time I've seen their cables brought up as a possible option. I use Mogami cables through-out my home recording studio (mostly with Neglex Quad wiring) with excellent results. I hadn't thought about them as an interconnect option outside the studio though. I split the two hobbies apart for some reason. glad to hear they are another great option!