Opinions on the current market

I’ve been reading extensively, trying to narrow down the best option for a tube pre to add to my system. The nature of the hobby is such that I expect to try a few different options, so I’m curious about people’s opinions on the market right now. Figuring I’ll have to resell whatever i try, I’d like to ‘buy right’ now. I’m not by nature an equipment flipper, but there are just too many possible options to expect to get it right first time. Anyone else looking at prices now, with informed opinions of whether the market is good or not for a buyer?
+1 @chorus  One nuance you might include with your four rules for the OP is whether those rules apply equally to all gear or not. I'm pretty sure the OP will find some gear owned by more than one person that would be perfectly fine. 
One issue with smaller stores is inventory. If a dealer has something in stock, a good deal is waiting generally. However, I have been asking around about the Mac C2700 pre. Not many dealers have stock and the factory has been shut down. 
Wants/needs list:

HT bypass (although I can get around it, and may do that since I’m also concerned about ‘burning up’ tube life when the system is in tv/movie watching mode, and most but NOT all pres require the pre is on for bypass to work). I’d like balanced connections, as even on my Marantz AVP8802a from my Oppo balanced outputs, it does sound slightly better. @verdantaudio I don’t know about gain, my Odyssey Stratos is spec’d at 22Kohm impedance, if that helps. No phono, the only source will be the Oppo (and AVP via HT input).
@chorus. Your points are good, although the 2 year old part may be tough(er). That’s one reason I’m thinking of older ‘heavy hitter’ brands where the vast majority of depreciation will have occurred already.

thanks all!!
@chorus. I was going to dutifully ignore your first rule, but in fairness to myself, I’ve been looking/reading/researching since just before the lockdown. Actually, probably a month before, since I had a few weekends when I relistened to a PL EVO400 at my local store a few times. But I get your point :)

I have bought a lot of used audio gear. I bought and sold used industrial equipment for twenty years. I am a sharp buyer. About two months ago the asking prices softened for just about everything except some medical gear. In six months to a year it should be a fire sale buyers market. Wait. This pandemic is going to get worse, There are not going to be as many buyers. The owners - private and store front are going to need money and they are going to sell low low low.