Opinions on the Mcintosh C500T?

Hey, just wondering what people who have experience with the C500T think about it. I've got mine on the way as its been ordered. I geuss just wondering is it worth it? Also is there anything special I should know about it. I'm looking forward to the phono stage as I have the MT10. I'm really bored now as I have no system to it and the MC2301's get here. might as well talk about it to pass the time.

Thats very good to hear. I've never owned mc stuff til recently so I am just worried. From the sound of what you described, I'm going to love it. Knopfler is the best... My power should be done tomorrow and then waiting on stands, Hope to be listening by next week end.

Hi Pierre

Sounds like the 500T is a winner. Are your comments relative to the C46 you had before? Or did you have a different preamp before your 500T? Just trying to figure out what your reference point is. Thanks

My reference was the C46. I also considered:

McIntosh C2300
Aesthetix Calypso Signature (Did not audition)
Should get mine hooked up tonight, can't wait, will post some feedback once I listen a bit.
Does anyone out there know the differences between the new McIntosh C500 and the C1000, they look the same to me. Are there many sonic differences, I was wondering why McIntosh came out with the C500. Just Curious
