Opinions - The Absolute Sound

I recently recieved an offer in the mail for a year of The Absolute Sound for $14.95. I've never had a subscription to an audiophile type magazine and am wondering if it's worth getting for this, or any, price.
simple answer:

it doesn't matter, one way or the other.

maybe they are entertaining, but they take up space.

of course, you can read it and then give it away.

point is , you can be a happy as a music listener and owner of stereo equipment, without reading magazines. just like you can buy a good car, without reading car magazines.
Today I received a final notice for a bargain renewal price. The deal was $63 for 3 years, $48 for 2 years, or $32 for one year. It's in the trash.
I like the absolute sound, especially at $ 15.00. While I might agree that the reviews may not hold that much weigh, they can come in handy if your interested in a piece.
Sometimes they can point out specific features and issues.

The more information you have the better, especially when some audio gear cost more than a used car.
'tis super short money to subscribe; out of pocket expense not worthy of note. the only question is whether there is substance that interests you. at this point, i find the music blogs in stereophile (baird and kaplan), very much worth reading, the the other columns pretentious and otherwise not appealingly quirky (the same estimation follows tas. i am so very tired and bored to tears having to face/and read - or not - the latest and 'greatest', 'game changing' hyperbolic reviews from reviewers.

whatever, don't sweat over the decision, it's hardly worth a blink of the eye.