OPPO 83 and Benchmark DAC 1

Anyone has used Benchmark DAC 1 with OPPO Bluray 83? Kindly share your opinions if they are good match on audio. thanks!
The L&R is definitely higher quality from everything I have read. You will have to go into the audio menu section and turn off center and rears to devert all info to L&R (if you have no multichannel amplification for your audio). There has been some excellent tests over the years talking about getting the best sound from Oppo's and all have concluded that the stereo outputs are not as good on 2 channel analogue sound. I now have a Denon and apply the same techqniue on it as well.
Mjcmt , This is interesting but hard to believe.

To test this, I have the new Blu Ray of Steve Winwood / Eric Clapton Live.
I have already copied it to a CDR using the 2 channel out from the OPPO 83.
So, I will copy it again using the L/R and see which is better.
I think I will get Benchmark DAC1. What is the best way to connect Oppo 83 to DAC1 to my MFA Magus (stereo preamp with RCA inputs only)? Mjcmt: what kind of cables and namebrand would you recommend?

Secondly, does it mean that my SACD playing on Oppo 83 will not go through the Benchmark DAC1, and therefore I need to have another RCA inputs from Oppo 83 to MFA Magus?
I'm no cable expert and haven't experimented much.

I've used Kimber Kable for ever. I like its punchy bass and articulate nature and its lean and clear midrange. I've used Audioquest and Linn for periods of time but keep returning to Kimber.

My digital cable was by XLO for no perticular reason. Tests have revealed that a digital cable be at lest 1.5 meets long (not 1/2 or 1 meter). I can't remember the details of this finding, but it is common knowledge. You will need to set the Oppo's digital output to PCM for it to be converted.

I can say the DAC1 made CDs and movies sound amazing as opposed to its analogue outputs.
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