OPPO BDP-103 (NON Darby)

Hey all, (My mistake, I know it’s Darbee, not "Darby.")
I think I’m finally going to break down and buy a player that plays SACD disks. I know there are not all that many SACD titles available but I tried getting back into vinyl and was not all that happy with the $800.00 table I bought. Perhaps when I can afford a $3,00.00 PLUS turntable I will try again.
Anyway, I currently play DSD & FLAC files via thumb drive with my Marantz network player and CDR via a good Yamaha CD player. My amp & pre-amp are Emotiva and current speakers are B&W.
My thought is to buy an OPPO 103 - NON Darbee addition as I do not expect to use it for anything but 2 channel audio.
So, my qiestion is; how does the OPPO BDP-103 perform when playing Hi-Res audio and especially SACD? Does anyone have first hand experience with other players that may be a better choice for what I want in the same price range? I’ve read that the OPPOs tend to do better with Video play back than audio. Is this true?
I appreciate any & all replies!
Thanks, Auxinput. I know the transport of the 980 is it's weakest link, hence the urge to upgrade.

The Marantz SA 8003 got away. It went for $600. Oppo 95s are going for $800. Clearly the Marantz was a better deal. There a few older models for about the same money.

There are some Oppo 83SA or EVS mods for $475.

An Oppo 103 is going for $225 (it will go up - auction).

Is the 95 really that much better than a 103???? 

Yes, Oppo 95 is better than Oppo 103.  The 103 is just a new version of the 93.  If you are not buying a separate DAC, the 103 is not going to do it for you.  It's a great transport with somewhat decent audio (not great).

There are a couple Marantz SA8005 units here on Audiogon for $800 each.  I would chase after those first before trying Oppo.

I don't have any experience with the EVS mods.  EVS replaces the I/V and buffer op amps with a single FET, which may not have enough gain/muscle to drive a good waveform.  Don't know.  I researched EVS before and I would be worried about the output gain issue.  The single FET idea has good points and bad points.

Thanks for the help x2, Aux.
I'll save for the Marantz and stop (or at least try to control my compulsions) researching and be at peace.

Just read over your original post.  Please be aware that the Marantz is not a true multi-format player.  It will only play CD/SACD discs.  You can play limited types of audio files from a USB stick (such as WMA, MP3, WAV, AAC).  It will NOT play DSD or FLAC or DVD-A.  If you really want DVD-A, you'll need a bluray player.  If you use a computer to play files and connect using USB, you can play more types.
The 980 plays HDCD and DVD-A, so I'll hang onto it for the few discs I have. It also plays anything I've loaded on a USB. I will probably experiment with running it through the Marantz. (Hey! I can do that with the NAD now! I think I have a TOS cable. Would a composite video cable work for coax?)

I'm not into FLAC yet. Is it worth it? Would something like a Dragonfly handle that?

A composite video cable is fine for coax digital.  The best digital coax I found is actually really cheap:


Make sure you get 6 feet!  Anything less than 4.5 will have problems with signal reflections.

So one compelling reason to get the 105... USB 2.0 music output.

You should double check, but I believe they added this feature in a firmware upgrade. The 103 does not get it though. :(

The $700+ price difference is more compelling in my present situation. :(
I appreciate all the support.
Leotis: " For the price you will never find a better rig than the 103 IMHO. But the rest of the links in the chain are crucial."

Do you think the 103 sounds better than the 95 and 85SE; or is it just the value? Is there any difference in DSD to PCA for 2 channel analog?
wcc10, I'm surprised the discussion seems to focus on the sources and pre. Maybe the B&Ws are nor a good match for the rest of your components and/or room. Do you have a good set of headphones? If they solve your problem it is not the source components; maybe not the pre-amp either.
wcc10, I'm surprised the discussion seems to focus on the sources and pre. Maybe the B&Ws are nor a good match for the rest of your components and/or room. Do you have a good set of headphones? If they solve your problem it is not the source components; maybe not the pre-amp either.
Good point 2channel. Although the CM 5S2s put out a lot of sound for their size (I did have CM 6S2s for a while) I'm beginning to realize that this must be my next move. They sound good and more than one person has said they are OK for the size of the room. I did try another preamp that was a step up recently but didn't see enough improvement to warrant an immediate change. So I'm thinking some floor standers. See where that takes me.
No, I do not have any headphones. But that is a good idea to try! Thanks.
"No, I do not have any headphones. But that is a good idea to try! Thanks."  
For $250 the NAD Viso HP50 are pretty damn good. I think they are essentially the same as the PSB M4U 1, but more comfortable. Both designed by Paul Barton. Once you try them, they may change your listening habits. If you don't want to spend that much the Sony MDS series is a good bet. If you really want to retire your speakers, look at the Oppos.

I must say that I only listen with headphones when I am forced to or doing some testing since I got my Canton Ergo floor standers. Ther is a similar pair on E bay now: http://www.ebay.com/itm/152151378738?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

But you will find no end of recommendations from the faithful here. I also liked the SVS Prime tower when I was shopping. $1,000/pr at the time.
I must say that I only listen with headphones when I am forced to or doing some testing since I got my Canton Ergo floor standers. Ther is a similar pair on E bay
Thanks for the input. I agree, headphones are essential for serious testing. I do (obviously) all of my listening via my speakers. I'm fortunate in that I can go pretty loud without any complaints. (mostly ;-)
Got to say though, I am finished buying electronics on eBay. Too many unfortunate experiences like "new" components delivered with missing parts just to name one.
I am very partial to speakers with a natural finish, Cherry, etc. My wife would never accept Black Ash or Piano Black. And I mostly agree. Otherwise the SVS towers look really good for that price!
@wcc10 - what preamp did you try?  Did you end up getting that Krell?  Or was it something else?
Got to say though, I am finished buying electronics on eBay. Too many unfortunate experiences like "new" components delivered with missing parts just to name one.
I am very partial to speakers with a natural finish, Cherry, etc. 
 Well, I guess you better get out there and start auditioning. Have fun! But I wouldn't give up on eBay, totally. I got my speakers from a local guy who listed. He let me audition in my own system before I decided.

Point of order, Ladies and Gents. Have I committed a faux pas by 'horning-in' on wcc10's thread. I new to forums and don't have all the etiquette down.
If,so; all apologies. 
@wcc10 - what preamp did you try? Did you end up getting that Krell? Or was it something else?
 One you were aware of not in USA. It had issues and the way it was set up damaged one of my speakers!
I don't want to go into too many details here on open forum.

Anyone had any experience with RBH Reference Series speakers? I can't find too much on them on Internet.

WCC10 -

I finally broke down and tried an Oppo 105 as a CD transport.  I've since returned it. 

It sounded OK, but there wasn't much difference between it and an old and cheap Sony DVD player via the digital out.  (The analog out on the Oppo was substantially - even hugely - better than the Sony.)  The Oppo was slightly more focused and detailed, and had slightly better grip on the bass, but the differences were smaller than I expected.  Was it better?  Yes.  Was it worth it?  No.  (That is purely based on using it as a CD transport - with video, even my wife saw how much better the Oppo was.)

I also compared it to my Meridian 598, which was convincingly better, as was an Exposure 3010S2.  Of course, the Meridian does not have analog outs (I have the "D" version), and I don't believe the Exposure will play SACDs. 

So if you want something that will play SACD, you might be better off with a Marantz or a Sony. 

I have found that the XLR outs sound much better on the Oppo than the RCAs I all so found that the Oppo has a 300 hour break in before they sound better. For the money they hold their own, but not against a higher quality unit like a Esoteric disc player. The Oppo is like a Swiss army knife it does a lot fair   but never master of any. Oppo customer service has all ways done right by me.
naimfan & 68pete;
This is great info from you both!
naimfan, did you play any SACD disks via the OPPO or just regular Redbook CDs?
I've also heard that there is a big difference between the RCA out & balanced out on OPPO 105.
I'm wondering if it might be worth looking for a decent used Esoteric SACD player?
WCC10 -

I didn't do balanced because my amplification doesn't support it ( I use Naim; only the $100K Statement preamp has balanced inputs).  I also didn't try any SACDs because I don't have any. 

I did break it in per suggestions - I had it plugged in and playing at work for 2 full weeks before playing it at home. 

A used Esoteric might be a good way to go - that I can't venture an opinion on.  I've at least heard a couple of the Sony and Marantz SACD players, and they seem to have a reasonably good track record with reliability (once they sorted out the early production issues). 
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