Hello thanks for the info
I spent $1500 on the New Reference Excellent Final Touch Audio USB cable for my dac, ,which is a Huge step up from the AQ Diamond ,WWorld platinum 8 , purist 30 anniversary and several others 2x as much ,their $900 Callisto-usb I still have and has many great reviews ,I spend also $800 on their Ethernet cable which is exceptional ,I never thought Digital cables can bring my system this close to Analog sounding without loosing detail. these Sonore optical cables are $1200 each x2 is Thst correct? plus you need a how many Ethernet cables 3 ?
from modem to router, then from router to the Sonore Ethernet to fiber optic converter, then another Sonore on the other end ,since I am 10 meters away
we are talking $2500 just for 2-Sonore Sonore Ethernet to fiber converters ,
plus at minimum IFIAudio wall warts for AC power, if linear then another $1k for 2 $$$ , 7nless I am missing something somewhere , Thanks for the assistance 👍