Ordered my new amp today... been a long road!

Ordered a Parasound A21+ this morning after a year of saving and selling and buying new speakers... This should be it!


Haven't sat and listened with a gin n tonic in over two years... My Martin loans sh#t the bed every year for about 3 years so I bought a pair of 10T's... then my Mac amp wouldn't power them ... sold that now on to the A21+

Excited is not a strong enough word. Thanks for all the advice and wisdom!

Now to find a good 30 ga. power cable! lol
I have not heard any amps... no place to do that here. After I sold the Mac, it was all down hill till now. My wife Is disabled and for her to go 3-5 hours and then audition amps at a couple stores is painful for her... I have a dear friend in the industry I trust completely and he knows my gear, after all I have bought every piece except the Mac pre from him for 20 years, including the 10t’s he had in his third system. He has had the 21A+ hooked to the 10t’s and suggested this amp considering my budget and my listening habits. He has never led me astray... just the opposite. 
You need some better wire my friend and also clean all the tips of your wires with DeoxiT..

Spend about $200 on speaker wires.. I like Better Cables on Amazon..
I recently bought a pair of PS Audio M700’s and cleaned every connection ..

Good luck..
I have some good cables...

I made some 10ga cables... I also have a set of Transparent Music Wave