You have to pay good money for a power cable to have them trait's without Significant trade off’s, I would buy used, Tara Lab’s cobalt and higher like the omega evolution power cable’s are very good at extreme low noise floor, organic, detailed sound , another cable good at this is stage 3 concepts - the kracken and higher up the cable food chain of stage 3 concepts, high fidelity cable’s sound thin and smaller , 2 dimensional in comparison, I understand my power cable is about 4th in the current Tara Lab’s power cable line up, for what I use it for, so what, my cable is 1-meter long which by the way sound’s a lot better than the standard 6’ 6" cable that has the oyaida terminations that I have on my power cable which retail’s for $5,500.00, so you really cannot tell me it can’t be done, I paid $1,000.00 for my power cord 4 year’s ago with free shipping right here on audiogon, happy hunting, cheers🥃🍷🍸🍹🍺