Origin live encounter/illustrious vs Morch UP-4?

I have an oracle delphi Mk IV with Morch UP4 tonearm. Considering moving to origin live encounter or illustrious tonearm. Any thoughts on how these arms compare sonically to Morch? Have Grado Reference cartridge but thinking of going to Shelter or Zyx Airy 3.

the good reasons for chusing the dp-6, is you can both use the sheltr (red armtube) and the zyx-airy-3 (blue armtube).
Nils, thank you. I know the DP-6 is much better than the UP-4. I guess I come at this after speaking with an Oracle dealer who felt the SME V on the oracle was much better than the UP-4, but close with the DP-6. As many of the Origin live reviews claim that the illustrious is better than the SME V, I thought I would consider it.
You may also be able to get a good trade-in deal on the UP-4 if you upgrade to a DP-6 with Mehran at Sorasound.