Ortofon 2M Black vs, Clearaudio Maestro

Just curious if anyone has compared these two cartridges and what their opinions are. Thanks. Bob
So Bob, if I understand you correctly you're saying that in order of quality its the Maestro, Virtuoso, 20XH and then 2M?

I currently have a 20XL, and am considering a 2M Black, sounds like it may be a lateral or downward move?
I have my 2m black on a vpi scout. Before the black I had a virtuoso. Although both are fine carts, I like the black better with this particular turntable. I have a cj pv-15 tube preamp if that's helpful. The virtuoso I found to be a bit on the dry side. Great dynamics, more detail in the highs and mids, more air and extension The black sounds both warmer and with a bigger soundstage and more extended bass. Since I listen to a lot of jazz and rock those are important qualities.
I have my 2m black on a vpi scout. Before the black I had a virtuoso. Although both are fine carts, I like the black better with this particular turntable. I have a cj pv-15 tube preamp if that's helpful. The virtuoso I found to be a bit on the dry side. Great dynamics, more detail in the highs and mids, more air and extension The black sounds both warmer and with a bigger soundstage and more extended bass. Since I listen to a lot of jazz and rock those are important qualities.

I wonder if this can be attributed to the 2M Black's removable stylus assembly? I own the Virtuoso, and one of the things I like about it is it doesn't seem to add anything extra of its own to the sound. I don't find it either recessed or forward, it just portrays what's on the record. This can be perceived as you say by "a bit dry". The Virtuoso has a fixed stylus assembly like an MC.

The 2M has a plastic cup that snaps into place which can perhaps be like a "resonator" and add a bit of warmth and create a bigger soundstage. Please note, I am not saying that is wrong. The 2M Black along with the Clearaudio Maestro and Virtuoso are most likely the best MMs available and I will probably buy a 2M Black as well when one comes along at a good price.
Well I don't know why the ortofon throws a bigger soundstage or has bigger bass. I should add the delineation of separate instruments is superb and the highs are quit silky. That said I still have my virtuoso, and I'll either upgrade to a maestro or over to a benz micro ace on the stylus replacement switch. (Don't ask how it happened) I'll get another jmw wand to go with the new cart so that way I can have my cake an eat it too.
Sabocat59, the Ace may not cut it. You may have to go up to the Glider or Maestro to do better than you are getting with your Virtuoso and 2M Black. I had a Glider before my Virtuoso and they are really good. A little tougher to handle though. They can ring and do a few other nasties that MCs are prone to. But when they're on, they're great.