Ortofon Concorde Overhang with Technics Turntable

I just bought a NOS Concorde 30 and installed it on my Technics SL-1700 Mk II (Same arm and geometry as SL-1200 mk II)

It sounds decent, but out of curiosity I put in the little plastic technics overhang gauge, and it's not even close. It doesn't match either of my printed-out protractors, and when playing records, it looks distinctly angled "in", pointed toward the record label. It doesn't look tangential at any point on the record.

I'm not hearing terribly distorted sound or anything, but is there an adjustment I'm overlooking? Is there a way to adjust the stylus overhang?
The concorde is the integrated cartridge (no headshell used) so there's no adjustment, or so i thought!

Problem solved! There's a little screw and a tiny allen wrench that comes with the cartridge. The body just slides out from the part of the cartridge that attaches to the arm. Overhang is adjustable after all!

Just to clarify - this is not the same body as the DJ Concordes (or the KAB Concordes), which are out-of-the-box ready for a 1200.

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Every cart I've aligned on the SL1200 using the MintLP Best Tractor is angled in toward the center of the LP.

But I would venture that it is also tangential to the groove in at least two places, correct? :)
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