Ortofon's new A95 - titanium SLM cartridge

It was only a matter of time before Ortofon revisited the A90 SLM design using titanium - this time using some of the Anna's generator tech. Interesting.

Stringreen , you are correct.Per Winfield is an impressive cartridge.
I own one.
But I've been thinking about the A95 and will be meeting with Jeffrey tomorrow.
Why do people keep on calling the Ortofon Windfeld the Winfield? It's not a pack of cigarettes.

Their spelling.
01-22-15: Diggory
Why do people keep on calling the Ortofon Windfeld the Winfield? It's not a pack of cigarettes.
01-23-15: Pcosta
Their spelling.

No, it is a reading issue. The Ortofon site reads W I N D F E L D.
There is NO "I" after the "F" and before the "E".