Otomon Labs. Soundgate Japan

Has anybody purchased an amp made by Ken Uesugi from Otomon Labs/Soundgate in Japan?
I’m seriously thinking of getting a 2A3 amp, but keen for any feedback. Everything I’ve read looks good, but buyer experience is invaluable. 
Thanks in advance. 

Let me be more specific:

When I look his various amplifiers design, I think they are interesting, uniques, but sometimes very intriguing, strange..

For example, I noticed that in some amps, he uses vintage parts, vintage capacitors!?!?!? how such old capacitors can delivery nice performance? vintage transformers, some very old. from the 50's 60's 70's I think... he also sells this components...

What I found most intriguing is that in some amps he uses vintage western electric wires! wha's about that? I mean, very old wires, you can see clearly the signs of age deterioration..

Someone can explain about this design approach? 

This is totally new for me...

In general, the amps appears always to have some vintage components, some more than others...

The work appears to be unique, interesting, but also intriguing, strange...
Post removed 
Yes, I saw this, that why I would like to talk with more people that already purchased custom made amps with the man... It's being hard to find I must say..
One thing for sure, his works appears to be a lot of character, is captivating in some way, but I just concerned about the reliability, the scarce infos about doesn't help much...

received some nice feedbacks this days from people that purchased amps with hm..