Own Magnepans? Got Cats?

Just got two 14-week-old Pixie-Bob (bobcat cousin) brother & sister kits, and they're now loose in the house... So, to protect my prize 1.6's, I made anti-climb covers for them; simple, cheap & easy to place & remove. One 4x8' sheet of 1/8" thick black foam-core board from the local art supply store made a pair of protectors for the 1.6 (and with zero scraps).

Cut the 4x8' sheet in half to make two 4x4's, score vertically at given points with a sharp mat knife to about 3/4 of the foam-core's depth, bend to a box shape, wrap around the speaker fronts, and use stick-on hooks in the back to connect where the edges meet. I also cut small square holes where the cables enter. The "boxes" are 20" wide and 4" deep. (If these cats decide they want to jump higher than four feet, I guess I'm in trouble.)

Email me for photos of the finished product if interested (I'll send a pic of the kitties, too).
I bought the plastic mats you put over carpet. On the underside they have plastic spikes that stick into carpet. Turn them over, cut out area for speaker legs to go through. cat's won't walk on the spike area. 1.6's protected!
With respect: No Such Thing as 'Cat-Proof'
Cat resistant, yes.
proof NO.

A motivated cat will get into just about anything.

I had some original MG-1s for 25yrs+ with NO cat problems. Sheer Luck.
Previous owner had sprayed them with something cats didn't like. My cats over the years never looked twice. No yelling, violence, spray bottles or other 'incentives' needed. ever.
I may have gone to the trouble for naught - These totally non-destructive cats have turned out to be neither climbers or scratchers - They're kinda like puppy dogs that follow us from one room to the next so they can sit and watch. They do seem to like music, though.


Stand by..... that will change.

I'd leave the front door open, myself.

Big cat pheramone spray. The spikey 'carpeting idea seems a good one, if enough area is dedicated to the project, and you can live with the look. 'Course, cats have small and nimble feet.... eg., feline proof, above.

... and they can jump up very very well...

Leave 'cat nip' off the shopping list!