Owning too many speakers

I have multiple sets of speakers that I own and listen to. I have a garage full (my listening space) of Thiel cs3.5, Klipsch Cornwall II's and Heresies, Carver AL-III, Dahlquist dq-10, Allied 2300c, vintage Infinity, B&w, Soundwave pointsource 3.0 - let alone the ones in other systems in the house and what I've sold over the last 12 months - I've bought none of these new (pawnshops, newspaper, garage sales, thrift stores,consignment) I've found every speaker has its own sound/characteristics (image, soundstage, accuracy) and depending on the day i enjoy listening to each. Are there others with this type of speaker interest?
Yea, it can get hilarious with them all. They are all over the house. None in the bathrooms...yet. Maybe some bookshelves ?

8 pairs in the bedroom. 6 in the living room. 1 in the dinign room. Lots more in the basement.

Seems like it's a lot easier to buy than sell :) I had some L100's here but no buyers. I think as I have no feedback people are gun-shy ?
When I was selling audio equipment at Innovative Audio in Brooklyn N.Y(now in Manhattan)many many years ago, the show rooms were set up when only a single set of speakers were in the room playing at the same time. We would wheel them in and out for a demo. Anyone with 2 or more sets of speakers in their room(with only 1 pair playing), the other speakers will also play, from the air pressure created from the playing pair. Room size and listening volume all have a more or less effect on this. Put you finger tip on a woofer ever so lightly of a non playing pair while others on playing and see what you feel. If the driver is vibrating, you are listening to it. Other than multi channel, multiple speakers in a room will add smearing and distortions, to these ears anyway.... remove the non playing speakers from the room and the playing pair will sound better.
Snell E-III, DCM Timeframe TF 400, Maggie 1.6, Vandersteen 3A Sigs, Tannoy Reveal, Polk Bookshelf, Insignia (?) all in different systems. I can't help it. They are all enjoyable in their own way.