Pangea 9se, Cullen Crossover or VH Audio Flavor 4

Which one for DAC and preamp?
How smart Elizabeth is, I thought surely within the context of this post, using herself made that quite clear.
Guess not .
Come to think of it no doubt some have never heard of Trollop much less the Oracle at Delphi.

Should have used Kardashian references, as they say, my bad.
Liz did a good job describing issues with short runs of 9 series Pangea cable...but I suspect you continue to intend the author Trollope and not trollop. Quite a different meaning.
No comments on cables. Ghosthouse; you have me smiling brother!!!

Novel idea here. If the cable is short(either too thick, radius issue or 180 problem), you can rotate the wall outlet 180 degrees with no ill effects so it will work, vice having to buy a 1.5 meter Pangea...I know of no inherent engineering issues with the outlet itself being flipped so long as your positive/negative wires in wall stay the same to outlet connectors.