Pani ... New ART-9 up and running ...

The Cartridge arrived and I took it down to Studio City to Acoustic Image to have Eliot Midwood set it up properly. Eliot is the bomb when it comes to setting up the Well Tempered turn tables correctly.

So, last night I had Mr. Golden Ears over to get his assessment as well. For a brand new cartridge that had zero hours on it ... all I can say is WOW! This is one naturally musical cartridge that doesn't break the bank. Its everything I liked about the OC9-mk III, but it goes far beyond the OC-9 in every respect.

In a previous post, I talked about the many mono records I own and how good the OC-9 was with the monos. Well, the ART-9 is on steroids. Just amazing on mono recordings.

At under $1100.00 from LP Tunes, its a bargain. The ART-9 surpasses all cartridges I've had in the system before. That would include Dynavectors, Benz, Grado Signatures and a Lyra Clavis that I dearly loved. In fact, its more musically correct than the Clavis. The Clavis was the champ at reproducing the piano correctly ... the ART-9 is equally as good in this area.

Sound stage, depth of image, left to right all there. Highs ... crystalline. Mids ... female and male voices are dead on. Transparency ... see through. Dynamics ... Wow! Low noise floor ... black. Mono records ... who needs stereo?

Your assessment that the ART-9 doesn't draw attention to itself is dead on. You just don't think about the cartridge at all. Not what its doing, or what its not doing ... its just beautiful music filling the room.

Thanks again Pani for the recommendation. I'll keep posting here as the cartridge continues to break in.
I may not be able to give an exact answer to your question, but I have some experiences to share.

I have owned the Dynavector 17D3 for some time. It is considered to be very dynamic and fast because of its short diamond cantilever. In my system it was at least 3 levels below the ART9. I mean not even worth comparing. 

I have heard the XX2 mk2 multiple times in different systems, it is much better than 17D3. It has a consistently smooth sound picture with a some romanticizing the mids and highs. Macro dynamics are good but below ART9. Microdynamics and transparency is also good but well below the ART9. Resolution is also nice but again not in the same level as ART9. In terms of speed and timing (PRAT) it is similar to ART9 but ART9 is still more agile, more quick with transient response.

I also heard the Dynavector Tai katora Rua, it plays similar to ART9 but ART9 is still more vibrant and energetic in sonic picture. The ART9 just does not allow you to think of an cartridge upgrade because of its amazing all-round performance. It gets out of the picture, plays like top quality studio equipment. Even with the Dynavector TKR I did not hear that level of disappearing act. May be the XV1s does it all and betters the ART9 but I have only heard the XV1s once and that is not a good enough auditioning time to make any judgement between them.
If you really want to hear what this cartridge is capable of, replace the fuses in your electronics with the Synergetic Research RED Quantum  fuses. You'll be amazed, I promise.
I've had all sorts of cartridges over the years.

The ART9 is as musically satisfying as any, and a champ at getting out of the way and just letting the music flow.

What does this mean, really ?

It doesn't highlight any particular part of the frequency spectrum. It is uncolored and self effacing rather than adding embellishment. Another way to describe it, it does not sound "hi fi".

It does preserve PRAT, detail, soundstage, although I've heard other cartridges do certain of these things better, the ART9 is a champ at keeping everything in perspective.

It is currently my favorite and I see no reason to pay more for anything else, even though I could afford it.
It is currently my favorite and I see no reason to pay more for anything else, even though I could afford it.
Exactly, this balancing act seems so elusive and most manufacturers/designers of most audio gears just do not get it, hence they depend upon embellishments to market their products.

The day I hear a cartridge that can better the ART9 without upsetting the enthusiasm in cartridges will again get a spark. Till then I am a laid back audiophile when it comes to cartridges.

I hear that Micromagic Magic Diamond is a cart to look out for.
Another nice cart that I heard the other day is Acoustical Systems "The Archon". These are all carts made by boutique audio companies who are trying to create products which are less hifi and more musically correct (there are no dearth of "hifi" sounding carts anyway) :-).

I still don't have an ART9, although I plan to get one. I have a question for ART9 owners. It has to do with compliance which is listed as 18cu @ 100Hz.

On what arms are you using this cart?

I'm asking for someone on another forum looking in the $1K price range. He has an arm approx. 16g eff mass and is afraid the cart might be too compliant. I'm well aware of the difference between 10 and 100Hz compliance, so no dissertations please.

Specs say VTF is 2g max. I figure he should have no problem on that score. Thanks in advance for answers.