But it was time for a new cartridge as you never know with a used one what kind of life it had and whether its best days are behind it. And here is where the story gets interesting....
I looked all around to find this cartridge and of course you can find it on the usual auction site if you want to forego the AT warranty and order from Japan or Europe. So I looked into a local AT dealer near me (you know -give the local guy the business for long term support) and guess what he told me ? AT is ONLY authorizing lptunes.com to sell these in the US. That's it! No other reselllers are allowed to carry it.
WTF AT ? What kind of nonsense is this ? I can't use a local dealer to buy the killer cartridge I've spent years working up your product line to obtain ?
So, I ordered from lptunes....will post some more listening impressions once I get it....