Paradigm Monitor 5v2 - Studio 40 v3 - worth it?

I'm planning to upgrade my Monitor 5 V2 with premiere S-series stands & NAD c320BEE int. amp within the coming weeks, I am thinking of just making a step up the ladder to the studio 40s with a higher end NAD int amp also (c352/372).

Anyways, I am wondering what you guys think about the studio 40 v3s vs the monitor 5 v2s? Is the price difference worth it? And what do you recommend for amplification for a room about 15x20 in size.
the denon pma 2000ivr integrated amp did just fine with my studio 60 v2's. you could get a good deal on the amp at ultimate electronics about now.
I have the Studio 40 v.3's. When I first got them I was using NAD amplification. They sounded good together. I upgraded from the Nad to a Musical Fidelity a3.2 integrated and they sound considerably better.

I am not familiar with the sound of Denon 2000ivr, but I do have a stanby amp which is a Denon PMA-S10, picked up just last week for $250 in very good condition. The amp sounds great especially it surprised me with very tight bass.

I was able to drive a variety of speakers effortlessly, I am still in the midst of evaluating it and so far I drove four speakers with it, Kef Reference Two (4 Ohms), Rogers LS3/5a (11 Ohms), Chartwell LS3/5a (15 Ohms) and Energy XL-25 (8 Ohms. I was not able to find much info on it on the web. Is the 2000ivr in the same league as S10 I have? Can you share any info?

the pma 2000ivr ($1200) is based on the s10 ($5200) which is based on the s1 power amp ($20,000)i think it is a monoblock that would make it $40,000.
the 2000ivr is a powerfull yet musical amp on the warm side of neutral. the weak link is it's preamp section thus the reason i use the dodd audio preamp. you can check out what danny richie ( gr research) and gary dodd ( dodd audio) had to say on this combo at audio circle under north texas audio jam, dodd audio jam session.