Paradigm Persona 9H - hard to drive !?

December edition of the British magazine Hi-Fi News published a nice review of Paradigm Persona 9H.

They tested with Constelation solid state amps.

Relevant quotes from the review:

"Of all speakers the speakers I have encountered in decades of reviewing, the Persona 9H is right up there in the top ten, and maybe even the top five."

"From the first notes played, it was clear something very special was happening." 

"Paradigm´s Persona 9H speakers are outstanding in every respect, from the superb quality of build and finish to their scintillating sound."

All of this I already know, except the need of an amplifier of high power.

"Don´t be fooled by that modest power requirement and seemingly benign impedance: partner them with a high quality, high power amplifier, and prepare to be dazzled..."

The Lab Report concludes:

"...the 2.4 ohm minimum modulus we measured means that 9H is nominally a 3 ohm speaker."

"...and it has an EPDR which drops to a scary 1 ohm, albeit at 9.7 kHz..."

I drive my Personas 9H with a SET amp wit 25 watts with fantastic results, but after reading this I don´t know if I can achieve even better sound with a high power solid state amplifier.

Any thoughts ?

Nice to know that the 9H's allowed each amp's signature to shine through. Great to hear you love your choice in AC.

It was the 7F’s with two Persona Subs at RMAF 2019, not 9H’s fyi...and I’m sorry you felt they didn’t play up to your expectations.

I listened to the 7f a couple saturdays ago. After rereading my comment about my listen to the 3f it seems my impressions are consistent, Tight bass, excellent detail and imaging, but a little dry in the midrange. I'm drawn to what they do well and would probably attempt to get over my phobia of subs for stereo and choose the 3f with 1 or 2 instead of the 7f. I can't justify the purchase of the 9h. Has anyone matched the persona with Hegel?