Persona = Bright very Revealing = Bright, not ear bleed as some have some have said but absolutely Bright.
Course I'm running the STR Int and for the money love it and does everything I want as well as ARC. ARC def helps integrate the bass into the system that even some meticulous time with a sound meter and test time can't achieve. Hard to beat a PC and Sound being processed without much ado.
I do agree there is hardly a difference between floor standers and book shelves on a stand, lost floor space is still lost, course the 9H's could be a different subject.
I'm still playing with my 3Fs, some room treatment and moving the speakers, in my case a very slight toe in has helped tame the beast, but coming off a silk domed tweeter speaker these metal tweeters and midrange are truly more in your face.
In my case my better and more patient other half loves the look of these guys, perhaps their saving salvation. Otherwise I might be looking at SF's taking their place.
But alas it's a hobby and like all hobbies requires some effort to appreciate what satisfaction comes from said hobby.