Bump, have the persona 7f in my listening room right now where the salon 1 & 2, usher be20dmd, Kanta 3, a couple 90’s kef Reference the VA strauss And Beethoven have spent time. These are easy to power, so I would suggest a quality 50 wpc over a powerhouse ‘affordable’ unit. I’m using my hegel h360 but I’ve heard these with a few pieces driving them and I wonder if the Pathos I liked them so much with at the shop would make the same magic here? Not bright, no sibilance, but I can understand why some folk say so as the detail in the midrange is uncommon and bass is tight. The speakers with the Hegel do seem more like surgical instruments than musical instruments, but its early days and I haven’t spent any time on placement yet, I may not they’re really fun as they sit. I’ll add more as I spend time with them.