Parasound A21+ vs Adcom GFA-585se

I want to change my amps from Wyred4sound SX-1000 mono blocks to a good class A/B amp.  I was thinking of the A21+, but i looked at the 585se and the Adcom compares, on paper, to the Parasound JC5.   Both have plenty of power to drive my speakers and cost the same.  Anyone with experience with both?  

Parasound + 1 always been  fan..

I use to really like certain Adcoms too. The 5800 was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Serious amp. I had all the Adcoms Except the 585. LOL The new SE I'm sure it has to run cooler...

The old Adcom would heat a small condo in NY dead of winter.. :-)

I am leaning to the Parasound,  but the Adcom is intriguing.  When I read about  the components I was surprised  it's was very similar to the  Parasound JC5.  I know it biasing may be very different.  I will probably be using mail order .  It may be worth ordering both, but I'm not looking forward to returning one of these beast.  I want to stay under $4000 US.  I'm using Pioneer S1EX speakers.  I want an amp change.

+1 @audiotroy .
Nothing wrong with Taiwan manufacturing. Even the Japanese use Taiwan.