Parasound JC-1 power cord recommendations

Greetings. Just picked up a pair of JC-1 monoblocks and would like to get high-end powercord recommendations to maximize performance. Budget is $1500 used (but may go a little higer for something exceptional). Have heard good things about the Shunyata line and Kubala Sosna Emotion but wanted input from those with JC-1 monoblocks or those with high end (relatively high end) power cord experience. Thanks.
Thanks for the recommendations so far. By the way, what is the msrp for the Synergistic Research T3 and T3UHC?
Go on The Cable and go to the manufacturer list and scroll down to Synergistic Research then click on it. That opens up all of their products. The power cords will be on about the third page of their product listings and the price is displayed on the right side of the page.
While I like the TG Audio SLVRs quite a bit with these amps, I think the Tel Wire HC cords do a better job. More authoritative, larger soundstage with more "air" between instruments etc. To me, the Tel Wires are a great combo with the JC-1s (IME better than the Elrod EPS-3S, Purist Anniversary & FIM Gold).
I bought a set of the TG Silvers to compare to the Elrods and I thought the Elrod was quite a bit better. Never heard the Tel Wire cords though.
Have been extremely happy with the Vesuvius power cords from Silver Circle Audio. Definitely worth a look.