Parasound JC1 or Spectron Musician 3 se

For Innersound Kaya. I'm using a Parasound A21 now but would like more power. I've listened to Innersound kilowatt monos on my speakers and didn't like the combo. The highs were to hot.
Hello Lance,

Great post. I also heard Sanders amp (not in my own system) and I am under impression that they are indeed "bright". I looked into their web site and I can see that they use (in moderate amounts)global negative feedback which, according to Simon Thacher from Spectron:

" Negative Feedback
Additionally, when an amplifier has difficulty in delivering required power peaks, other forms of distortions will occur. For example, in transistor amplifiers the increased current drawn by speakers will cause a small voltage drop across the source--i.e., the amplifier itself--which will heavily contribute to the unpleasant so-called "transistor sound.” In that regard, regulated power supplies can be extremely helpful. Many transistor amplifiers use global negative feedback to reduce distortions and widen the bandwidth. The crucial factor in negative feedback is transit time, the amount of time it takes from when an error is detected at the input until it is corrected at the output. For example, a typical transistor power amplifier has three primary sections: a low-noise high-gain differential input stage, feeding a differential-to-single-ended conversion driving a high-current output stage. Each of these three stages is designed for low distortion and noise, but those attributes typically come at the sacrifice of speed. The typical transit time of linear amplifiers is about 2000-3000 nanoseconds, which is too slow for effective implementation of global feedback and error correction. This lagging results in ringing artifacts and enhances odd-order harmonics which are particularly annoying to the human hearing (5) so even the smallest amounts of these distortions are highly noticeable. Long delays in feedback also introduces transient and phase discrepancies, susceptibility to transient overload and vulnerability to disturbances at the output such as reactive speaker interactions.

In contrast, many switching amplifiers don't use low-distortion circuits. Instead, they use much faster digital logic circuits. The Spectron Musician III transit time is 200 nanoseconds. Such an ultra-short transit time allows the amplifier to correct for many small errors; and the control loop can follow the input much more accurately. These characteristics result in a more detailed, transparent sound with less noise and louder yet cleaner musical reproduction. "

This may or may not be explanation... particualrly on the background of Spectron SET magicial midrange.

All The Best
Hi Lance, I listened to the innersound amps on my speakers at my dealers before I bought the Kayas. He also had a Parasound A51 which is similar to my A21. I preffered the Parasound. He was using a Parasound surround processor for a preamp which I wasn't to sure about. In my room with my equipment the innersound amps may have faired better.

My room is pretty small and the A21 already heats up the room pretty quick but this is only a issue 2 to 3 months a year here in Seattle.

Your right about trying them both. I have heard that Rogue Zeus would be good combo to. I guess I'll just have to decide which to try first.

Best Sean
Mantis007, do you have two systems or have you not updated your system page lately? Sean
Missioncoonery wrote:
Parasound has build issues and run hot as hell
I must strongly disagree based on experience with JC 1s since early on, but if you would care to qualify your remarks with substantiating information, I'd surely be interested. Parasound takes its products' performance and reliability very seriously. While it is true that the amplifiers produce a fair amount of heat, it's also true that virtually any amplifier putting out significant power, especially in Class A, runs hot. Exactly how hot is hell? I don't know, but some years ago a physics student 'proved' that hell is exothermic. :-)

Lance's comments regarding the JC 1's suitability for driving Sound Labs are accurate. I was the first person to hear the combination soon after introduction and reported the results to the respective companies. The JC 1s became a popular choice among solid state amplifiers for driving Sound Labs. This is not to suggest they are the absolute best at any price.

Disclaimers apply.
>>Parasound has build issues and run hot as hell<<

Not in my experience.

Which is infinitely more than yours.

Dealer disclaimer.