Pass Aleph 30 + Placette Passive Pre OK?

I am planning on the following setup:

- MHDT Havana DAC: 2.6V @ 800 ohms output
- Placette RVC: 2 Kohm output resistance
- Pass Aleph 30: 47 Kohm input impedance
- 1M interconnects

Will this work? Please tell me yes; I just bought the pre. :)
Just to follow up on my own question for future lurkers who might be considering this, I now have an Aleph 3 and tried to run it with the Placette and the results were not good. Puny sound and congested in the rear of the soundstage. However, when I switch from the Placette to Bel Canto C5i line out the change was significant. Now I get big, clear sound! Enough power for me, although I do run the volume up in the upper 70s to upper 80s out of 100 for fairly loud listening.

Keep in mind the input impedance of the Aleph 3 is a mere 23 Kohms while the Aleph 30 is 47 Kohms and the Aleph J is a whopping 242 Kohms!

I will not be keeping the Aleph 3 as I want to use the Placette, but I will be snatching up the next Aleph J that comes around!
You generally want the input impedance to be at least 20x the output impedance. More would be better, say 25-30x.
Hi, did the combo of Placette Passive Pre and MHDT Havana work? My integrated amp has a passive section and Havana has a high output impedance. I'm worried about the impedance mismatch. Thank you for any info/advice.