Pass Labs XA25 + Backert Labs Rhumba 1.3 - A Good Combination?

Hey Everyone,

Lately I have been looking at reviews of these two pieces of equipment and seems most of the review highly praise them.

I was wondering if these two together would be a good combo? 

Anyone by chance have any experience with these two together?

If I were to get the XA25, I would first try it with my current integrated as acting a as pre-amp and see how that would go but perhaps eventually upgrade to the Backert Labs.

Of course, speakers make a huge difference also. 

Currently have ML Motion 40's and am curious if that would have good synergy together.

Any feedback would be welcomed.


Thanks for your feedback.

I have a feeling the Backert Labs and Pass Labs would be a nice combo.

Will have to think about it.
I had the XA-25 with the Sonus Faber Elipsa SE's that I had at the time.  I found the XA-25 to be very transparent but very fatiguing to listen to for longer periods.  I added the Rumba 1.3 in an attempt to tame the Pass.  It helped a lot, but ultimately not enough.  I owned the Pass XA-30.8 with these speakers as well.  It was much better than the XA-25.  I wound up selling the Pass and Backert Labs and bought a Gryphon Diablo 120.  It was far better.  YMMV in your system.
The XA25 is a wonderful amp it does everything in a very musical way, i feel that it's the best of the Pass amps.

I have not heard it in the combination that your asking about but i'm sure it will sound great.

The XA25 needs 200 hours before sounding it's best so be patient, it`s sound changes quite a bit those first hours.