Hi David. Some good recommendations given above. You might also want to try an Aloia 11.01 inductive preamp. Although it's a SS design, it sounds a bit tube-like, particularly in the midrange (smooth, dynamic, and palpable). When I first got my Khorus a year and a half ago, I tried various amps & preamps, and the midrange sometimes sounded a little recessed. Then I got the Aloia and it seemed to make the midrange just right, particularly when used with the matching 13.01 amp. (Thanks to A-goner MikeG for recommending this set-up.) In any case, you can pick up a used 11.01 here at Audiogon for a little over $1000, which is an amazing buy for the level of performance you'd get. Whatever you end up getting, please let me know how it works out. Don