A tubed preamp can be a rewarding combination with your amp. I've seen definitive statements on this website that:
1) AR Ref preamps are not a good match with Pass XA.5 series.
2) AR Ref preamps are a great match with Pass XA.5 series.
My interpretation would be to proceed cautiously and critically, and seek a price where you could resell if the sound was not superior in all regards. Do not accept mushy bass or a rolled treble for some midrange bloom.
I do think it is important to use the balanced connection on the amps. I would be reluctant to use a tubed preamp that people charactarize as smooth and musical. Not that those types of preamps are bad, but they may be too much of a 'good' thing with the Pass. My opinion would be to seek a highly resolving preamp with good frequency extension.
I can give a firm recommendation that the BAT Rex and Pass XA.5 is a great combination. Really, really.
1) AR Ref preamps are not a good match with Pass XA.5 series.
2) AR Ref preamps are a great match with Pass XA.5 series.
My interpretation would be to proceed cautiously and critically, and seek a price where you could resell if the sound was not superior in all regards. Do not accept mushy bass or a rolled treble for some midrange bloom.
I do think it is important to use the balanced connection on the amps. I would be reluctant to use a tubed preamp that people charactarize as smooth and musical. Not that those types of preamps are bad, but they may be too much of a 'good' thing with the Pass. My opinion would be to seek a highly resolving preamp with good frequency extension.
I can give a firm recommendation that the BAT Rex and Pass XA.5 is a great combination. Really, really.