Pass XP-17 and Hana ML loading question

Guys anyone here has any experience with the Pass XP-17 settings for Hana ML?

I just switched form Pass XP-15 to 17 and its totally different animal. 

Just to compare them both with the gain set at 66db and loading 333ohm they act completely different, while 15 gets maximum bottom and fantastic detail 17 sounds great at the top and the midrange but bottom needs improvement.  Would anyone run 47K ohm? 


I load mine at 47K and it works great.

As you decrease the load it sees, two things happen. The first is the output level decreases especially as the load value approaches that of the cartridge itself but 100 Ohms will have no effect at all in that regard.

The second of course is that the cantilever gets stiffer, less compliant, since you are causing it to do more work.

Depending on the tonearm used and how well the phono section reacts to RFI, the value a person arrives at will be different. So I would not rely on other's experiences without knowing the provenance.

@ssg308 I don't doubt you although I am a bit surprised. Others have reported Pass Labs phono sections as not needing 'loading' ('detuning' is a more accurate term) resistors. Simple decrease the load till its starts working... I'd start with 1000 Ohms and work my way down.  


well that is exactly what I did the only difference was I started with 333 ohm than jumped to 47k and back down to 100ohm just to go back to the 1k that is where I decided  is the best setting for my setup.

@ssg308 1000 Ohms is so high a value it can't be affecting the cartridge at audio frequencies at all. So this has to be how the preamp is reacting to RFI.