bands like Sabbath, Ozzy, Rainbow, Lizzy and my beloved Status Quo etc. Their early material just doesn’t ’cut it’ on a high end system (IMObands like Sabbath, Ozzy, Rainbow, Lizzy and my beloved Status Quo etc. Their early material just doesn’t ’cut it’ on a high end system (IMO
And the problem isn’t in the recording, the problem is what most members here consider "high end". Did you ever notice when you go to an audio show with $$$$ gear that they play the lamest acoustic and vocal recordings? There is an excellent reason for that, you will NEVER be able to get HIGH dynamics pushed from an amp through speaker cables to a PAIR of speakers (well, JBL might be an exception😀)
The problem is:
A) Head room- you need a precise match of am amp and a speaker to get phenomenal headroom with passive speakers. That is why you gotta spend the big bucks on a pair of towers and then point them at your head. Replace the passive speakers with even mid fi active speakers and BOOM, instant headroom. Now raise the budget and go high end active and we are talking Ferrari level head room.
B) Metal and hard rock is not designed for pipsqueak two channel systems, it is designed for stacks of Marshall amps. Take Jimi Hendrix guitar, the lighter fluid he lights them with and then take the lighter fluid, flic your Bic, and burn down your two channel system to the ground and bury it next to Jimi’s guitar.
Next, get yourself 11 active speakers, a decent surround processor from marantz, yamaha, trinnov, etc. Put that puppy in upmix mode a’la atmos or auro-3d and tell your neighbors to get in their basements and hide while you have an actual concert type event in your MLP, yowza.
C) Finally you need a way to address the crappy recording equipment from the eighties with the technology available today. I have a Sony Signature DAC which remasters anything its fed into DSD, problem solved.
I take pity on the lost souls dumping high dollars into two channel "high end" systems that will never, ever, be able to reproduce HIGH dynamic rock and roll at gut punching levels with no distortion.
Rant finished, hope that helps.