PassX-250 vs PassX-350

I have the X-150. I'm looking to upgrade. I love the 150 but I want more power. Is it worth it to spend the extra loot on the 350,or is the 250 a close sonic match? Also how will those amps match up with a BAT tube preamp? I appreciate any help or suggestions.
What is your speaker's efficiency? The 350 will run in class A louder than the 250, and that will affect your perception.
(disclaimer: I sell pass gear)

I would definitely go with the X350. If power is any question you want to get that amp. It jumps from the 'will power most speakers' X250 to the 'Will power ANYTHING' X350.

I have matched the 350 up with a Bat preamp (vk-5i) and found it was quite a nice combination. Since the Pass gear is so transparent it lets the character of the feeding source come out more.

(disclaimer: I sell Pass Labs gear)