People That Have Upgraded From Harbeth 30.1s....

.... what speaker did you buy? 
Thanks Tobes. Really appreciate your response. We actually have an ATC dealer close by and I think he's also a Harbeth dealer now that I think about it. Definite plan for this Saturday!
@dhcod I'll be interested to read your thoughts on the comparison.
The dealer where I bought my ATC's also sells Harbeth, perhaps that's evidence that different types of listeners gravitate to one or the other, though as indicated I like both.

I do wish I'd listened to the ATC's sooner as their strengths do align better with my wide ranging taste in music. While auditioning the 19's I also briefly heard the m40.2's set up in the same room, that just convinced me the ATC's were the right move.
I’m very interested in these British loudspeakers because I listen mainly classical and early music, but I’ve been said that they need muscled amps for exponing  their best qualities and also need to be played quite loud.
I can’t listen very loud and my Analysis Audio permit me to hear a great deal of details at relatively low level spl.
Do some have experience on that with these speakers ?
If you listen at low levels and to classical/early music then I would recommend Harbeth as highly suitable.
The Harbeths are also relatively easy to drive - even a good 25W amp can sound excellent, but more watts would be better with dynamic classical progam.
@prof, your comments re the SLH5+ are very interesting given that their designer Alan Shaw had revealed a while back that he felt it was time to open up the sound a little bit more with the new model to be more in line with modern musical tastes. Those Thiel 3.7s of yours sound like they are wonderful loudspeakers.

Surprising also that a number of comments have mentioned alternate speakers that they found to be more neutral than the Harbeths. With their BBC heritage behind them Harbeth have prided themselves on the almost self effacing neutrality of their sound, (especially through their ruler flat midrange) majoring on vocals.

I guess we can conclude that things are very competitive in this sector. With all this in mind it will be interesting to hear what @dhcod makes of it.