Those with the kind of music, lyrics, performance, arrangement and production that you could easily repeat all day.
How about starting with this one? Somewhat outside of her usual cannon and none the worse for it. Perhaps also a contender for the sexiest vocals ever?
If you can find it (I have it on the v/a collection International Pop Overthrow Vol.6), listen to "One Hit Wonders Of The World Unite" by Canadian Group The Badgers (available for hearing on a YouTube video). Hooky as hell, with a killer sing-along chorus.
When I hear "pop song", Katrina and the Waves "Walking on Sunshine" is what comes immediately to mind. Sticks in the head all day. I haven't heard of half the stuff you guys are listing.
Crimson and Clover - Tommy James & The Shondells She's Not There - The Zombies Pretty Lady - Lighthouse I'm On Fire - Dwight Twilley Band I Wanted To Tell You - Matthew Sweet Wake Up Sleeping - The Saw Doctors
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