Perlisten S5t

For those who have had the opportunity to hear and or own the S5t I am very interested in your impressions/opinions. 
Thank you.

Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306


"I would never purposely buy anything from China"


I don't have a choice as to phone, I do have a choice as to Audio Equipment.


"unfortunately you're very biased and uninformed, monitor audio platinum are made in China and they're world-class sounding speakers, The build quality is exemplary and the sound quality is better than speakers two to three times the price do your research a little bit better lol."


Still wouldn't buy them if I had a choice. Sorry you think my personal opinion is uninformed.

I didn't say I bought the Focals.  I knew they were from France. I liked them best. I bought the Perlisten (2nd favorite) after being told by the dealer there were from Wisconsin. Last time I buy before researching.  I returned them to the dealer, bought the Magicos.

Waaaay to many choices out there that are not chifi.  I have Volti New Rivals built in good ol’ TN.  The build and value is off the charts.