Personal Preamp Evolution.

Yamaha C-80, Yamaha C-2, Sumo Athena, Blue Circle BC3, Blue Circle BC3000, Hovland HP100 and Antique Sound Lab TwinHead.
Dynaco kit, Mark Levinson ML 2, Audible Illusions, Melos, Classe DR 5, Klyne 7 series, Lector, PS Audio PCA, PS Audio GCP 200, now using the variable output stage of Raysonic 168 CD player.
Bryston B-60 (used thru pre-outs)>Air Tight ATC-1>Edge Sig 1>Supratek Syrah>Herron VTSP-1A>Deja Vu Audio Custom Preamp.
ARC Sp-9 II, Krell KBL , CJ prem 14, 16ls, Art, all CJ mk 1's,
First Sound Pres Dlx mk.2, EAR 912, Messenger full function w/
solid state power supply. 20 years with 3-4 year period owning a Tenor 75 integrated.
Marantz 3200,Hafler DH 101,Audio Research SP 7,Audio Research LS 15,Morrison ELAD,Cary 98L,Edge SL 1,Modwright 9.0SE,Supratek Syrah,Aesthetix Calypso,Audio Horizons TP 2.0,
REF 3,Jeff Rowland Capri.My reference piece remains the Audio Horizons,pound for pound it's simply the best.This opinion is based solely on use in my system and is not an absolute.