Phase Coherence or Time Alignment: Which More Imp?

This thread is really a follow on from a prior one that I let lapse. Thanks to everyone who contributed and helped me to better understand the importance of crossover design in building a loudspeaker. What I gathered from the last thread that there are opposing camps with different philosophies in crossover design. Leaving aside for a moment those that champion steep slope designs, my question is for those who have experience with speakers that are time aligned and/or phase coherent (using 1st order 6db per octave crossovers). Which is more important, phase coherence or time alignment? In other words, which more strongly influences the sound and performance of a loudspeaker? The reason I ask is because of the four speaker lines currently on my shortlist of floorstanders, three are either phase coherent or time aligned or both. The Wilson Benesch Curve's/ACT's and the Fried Studio 7 use 1st order crossovers but do not time align the drivers through the use of a slanted baffle. The Vandersteen 5's and the Quatro's both time align the drivers and use 1st order crossovers. I guess what I am asking is do you need to do both or is the real benefit in the crossover design? I'd appreciate your views.
BTW the other speaker is the Proac D25 and D38
Larry there is a fellow down in Lexington that was designing speakers with first order series crossovers back in 1998 and his last name wasn't Thiel...Tom
Was it, the guy who opened the equipment switching company? BTW 1998 was 22 years after THIEL started.
One name that should not go unmentioned in this thread is John Dunlavy. He was/is a big proponent of time alignment and his speakers use a first-order crossover. If I recall correctly, John was undecided on how important phase coherence was, but time alignment was crucial. Based on how much I like his speakers, I'm inclined to agree!

Also (and again assuming that I recall correctly), John felt that after his speakers (of course), Thiel came the closest to getting it right.

Apologies to John Dunlavy if I'm misstating any of his positions.
I own a pair of C/3-Ls, and have seen crossover schematics for other models, and they use a simple 1st-order series network. Period. There's no way to get a higher-order electrical network out of what's there.

The published articles I've seen from Bud all talk about 1st-order series crossovers as being superior.

Perhaps he was talking to you about the acoustic response? Or perhaps the "archived" info you're referring to dates back to before modern drivers allowed symmetric 1st-order crossovers?