phase inverted preamps...about

Hi there
what do you think it is optimum when we have an inverted preamp (like Cary, Cj..) to change the speaker cables on the amplifier or at the speakers ??

Give your vote and if there is a technical documentation share it with us.

(Now I am using inversion at the amplifier).

Rewind to Clio09's observation about the leads being reversed from the crossover to the woofer he pulled on the Spendor 7/1's. Various crossover designs require a phase inversion on one of the drivers (usually the mid-range) to maintain overall phase cohesiveness. Check out the Loudspeaker Cookbook for reference. There would be no reason to invert your speaker leads in this case. I hope that makes sense.
Wouldn't it be better at the speaker end since that would minimize the amount of inverted signal? :)

In my integrated amp manual it says that absolute phase is inverted and that you can correct by inverting positive for negative at the amp. It goes on to say that the phase of recordings is indeterminate so no matter which way you choose, you will be wrong about 1/2 the time anyway. So does it make sense that as long as you have each side set up consistently then it does not make a difference?
as you see there are both options and this is my main issue. Why there is not one standard ?

Thanks for your input though as I see it both ways work but one of them must be the right one ? or not ?
Well, Let me say this not sure beyond what a phase invert will do accept cause the amp to go out of phase to the speaker and possibly suck sound out of certain situations... BUT the Invert at the Digital domain is absolutly necessary if you hear it, It inverts the "1's" and "0's" at the recorded disk and 99% of the discs I have sound far better inverted than standard, much fuller and more analog like, this is because I found out after owning a device that does it that many recordings are mixed out of phase right at the studio, Why? No clue but it works, I have only seen this on fairly pricey players however.