Phoenix, AZ

The Arizona Audio Video Club began life as the Arizona Audiophile Society in 1985. The name was changed a few years back to more accurately reflect the varied interests of the members. The club meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month, at various locations in the greater Phoenix area. We occasionally schedule special interest meetings, with topics such as music listening, equipment evaluations, tech workshops, etc. Members receive monthly newsletters, either as hard copies or by e-mail. Members also enjoy discounts on purchases at several of the local audio and HT specialty stores. For more information, check out our website at
Plato: Tuesday doesn't work for me either because of my travel schedule during the week and I'm in Phoenix. Who knows maybe we could get enough other people together on weekends that can't meet with the organized group.
Cytocycle, that sounds good to me. Definitely let me know if other area audiophiles would want to do that and maybe a meeting time and place can be set up.

The club does have Special-Interest Groups. Maybe we could start a Saturday Nite SIG? (I'm a member.)

I live in the Phoenix area and would also be interested in joining if the meetings were held on weekends.
Thanks for the posts. As you might expect, it's next to impossible to find a meeting time that works for everyone. I will bring up the question about alternative meeting dates at the next steering committee meeting.

I think a special interest group for weekend activities is a great idea. All it would take to get started would be for a club member to offer to head up the group and to start arranging some appropriate activities.

Regarding the question about meeting notices on the club website - those are posted in the form of the club newsletter. The newsletter is typically published around the second weekend of the month, and then posted on the website within a day or two.

Warren R., President