I use Zu Audio Mission Phono MKII with WBT nextgen RCAs and it's wonderful cable, i'm runnin' Lustre GST-801 toneam with Zu Mission Phono mkII cable, i'm so happy about this combination. The Lustre 801 was rewired internally with Discovery Cable. As Pani said Finewire C37 is also a good option, i have C37 Standard (the cheapest) and top C37 Cryo with KLE on Reed. But it's more fun to swap cartridges, no cables.
i also bought some of zu’s current audioconnects - they have rarely disappointed me!
I use Zu Audio Mission Phono MKII with WBT nextgen RCAs and it's wonderful cable, i'm runnin' Lustre GST-801 toneam with Zu Mission Phono mkII cable, i'm so happy about this combination. The Lustre 801 was rewired internally with Discovery Cable. As Pani said Finewire C37 is also a good option, i have C37 Standard (the cheapest) and top C37 Cryo with KLE on Reed. But it's more fun to swap cartridges, no cables.