Phono cable recommendations - high performance good value cable

I know this is a loaded subject... but I did a search and there are posts from 6-7 years ago mainly on this...

So in this current time, what are good options for high transparency, ’honest’ interconnect cables for analog signal use. For context, I am using a VPI Classic 3 (with Koetsu Black or AT ART9 carts), so running RCA’s on both ends. Currently using Blue Jeans’ Belden shielded cables with teflon sleeve including ground wire...definitely a high value cable...

I tend to favor transparent, non-frequency-filter cabling - my ear prefers a slightly lively sound with big/wide soundstaging... - rest of my system uses Zu Varials and Gedes, if that gives you an idea. Have used Purist, Cardas and Nordost in the past... Purist is very smooth and slightly rolled off, Cardas very rolled off/saps energy from the music, Nordost quite transparent but flattens the soundstage some. Speaker cables are Mapleshades, very transparent...

For TT use, I sometimes run a Cinemag or other MC transformer, so that creates the need for add’l IC runs between TT and Xformer and phono preamp to line stage... so whatever small signal cabling used would have additive effects for shaping the sound.  Most critical of course is the first run off the cartridge, I realize... need shielding I think early in the chain...though I have read that some feel shielded cables rob a little transparency.

Final note, by and large I am not a fan of mega buck cabling... each time I have tried in the past, I have felt that money spent on expensive cabling does not yield a good return...

Thanks in advance for any thoughts and recommendations.
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  i also bought some of zu’s current audioconnects - they have rarely disappointed me!

I use Zu Audio Mission Phono MKII with  WBT nextgen RCAs and it's wonderful cable, i'm runnin' Lustre GST-801 toneam with Zu Mission Phono mkII cable, i'm so happy about this combination. The Lustre 801 was rewired internally with Discovery Cable. As Pani said  Finewire C37 is also a good option, i have C37 Standard (the cheapest) and top C37 Cryo with KLE on Reed. But it's more fun to swap cartridges, no cables.       
I can vouch for Audio Sensibility cables. I run a 90 degree DIN to balanced outputs. They really helped.
My table cable tale: The original DIN plug cable on my "vintage" Linn Basik/Akito table had rat bites on it when I bought it a few years ago…really…the cable still worked, but man. So in a quest for a replacement I went to my local "audio salons" including Goodwin's High End and nobody had a cable in stock, or seemed very interested in getting one for me…seriously. So to the web I went, and found a Jelco someplace with a gold plated DIN and RCAs utilizing Mogami "Neglex 2534" cable. In a weird pink color (except for the black ground wire). This cable destroyed any pesky cartridge related "dimmer hum" (I have dimmers here and there but my dead quiet system utilizes various bespoke power supplies and hum buster items to make that a non issue), and sounds much better than the stock cable ever did…highly recommended.
Wolf, I use the pink Jelco cable with my Jelco 12" arm and don't find it lacking. However those in the know tell me that Heiko C37 is a good upgrade. 

thanks all for your various input

bought some of heiko's c37 cryo finewire... they are on their way from germany ...currently enjoying the zu audio missions... rest of my system is zu varial interconnects (with mapleshade speaker wires)... so it will be stable control for seeing what difference if any the c37 makes...