Looking for suggestions for a used higher priced phono preamp. msrp $7000 to $13000.Thinking of Sutherland, ARC,Manley, Boulder so far. Going through the list of whats available here on Agon. Tube or solid state? thanks. 
van den Hul has been manufacturing phono cartridges for 43 years. He has a phono stage called the Grail. It is Amazing!!  Read the positve feedback review..It won its 2016 Brutus Award .
The groove SRX by Tom Evans (Audiodesign) is simply amazing. To me it sounds better than gear priced at 10k and it’s less than half the price. I use it with a Cadenza Bronze and it’s a perfect match (but also with my previous Denon it was good). There’s a purity in the sound that I simply love (my system also comprises D’Agostino amp and WA Alexia speaker).
With your budget you can aim at his top end phono stage (the master groove), but I've never had the chance to listen to it so I cannot say if the price difference is worth the extra cost 

McIntosh MP1100 tube phono is spectacular and priced st the lower side of your budget.