Phono preamp gain setting

I am using the Moon LP 5.3 with a Soundsmith SMMC-1 moving iron cartridge with 2.12 mV output. I have to turn the volume up quite high on my linestage to get the right volume. I would like to try a higher gain setting than the recommended 40db for MM cartridges but the LP 5.3 user manual recommends against. Would it be harmful to the LP 5.3 to try the 54db gain with Smmc-1? Also would it be harmful to try a different resistance load other than the recommended 47k?
Sure if you have a high gain switch that is 54db on the phono pre-amp then this should be your fix!

You are already maxed out on 47k ohms and no need to change resistance loading.

Enjoy music!
You should feel free to try different resistance loading and gain setting. I don't believe it will harm anything. You can also call the manaufacturer just to make sure.
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I have to turn the volume up quite high on my linestage to get the right volume.
Excellent, that is exactly what you want.. In an ideal world as you turn it up you should hit the ideal loudness just as you have it all the way up. There is no such thing as having the volume knob too high unless it is too loud at that point.

It will not hurt anything to try different loads.

40 db is too low for that cart.
How do you figure that? The gain needed is function of the total system gain, not just the phono. If you can't get the system to play loud enough all the way up you need more gain. If you can't turn the volume up very far without it getting too loud you need less gain.
