Phono stage--please help

I am interested in a new phono stage for my Linn table w/Akito arm and van den Hul MC-one low output moving coil. I also use a van den Hul MM-one moving magnet. My amp and preamp are Adcom. I have an Electrocompaniet CD player and LOVE the sound, very analog. I have been using Monolithic Sound ps-1 and hc-1 and they sound bright to me. I am considering the Electrocompaniet phono stage and the EAR. Anyone have any experience w/these phono stages? Any other recommendations for around $1000-$1300??
Thanks for any info.
I had an EAR phono stage in my system until I upgraded to a preamp with phono. I found it to be an excellent product with enought gain to push even a low output MC. It is not bright sounding at all and may had add some of that warm tube sound to your solid state system. You can go to for an online review. Good luck.
Thank you, Rec, I have a follow-up question for you: would you recommend the EAR with or without the volume control? I have read that running it straight to your amp and bypassing your preamp will sound much better; true, in your opinion? thanks, s.
Before you change gear,one question to you. have you tuned tour cart. with appropriate resistance and capacitance. Mov. Coils sometimes exhibit a big rise in their response out @+ 50 K trying 20-30 mcfds in each chan. of the phono stage might do 2 things 1 reduce brightness 2 reduce distortion.
I'd recommend auditioning the Audiomat Phono 1 (priced just under $1000, I think). It is a French SS unit, but has a lot of tube-like qualities and is very detailed (there is a review on Soundstage, and their distributor is at Some people also love the Benz phono pre...also in the same price range. If you're considering a new preamp, you might also want to check on built-in phono units.