Phono stage with gain control?

I think I remember a thread about this not long ago but can't find it.
What would be a good phono stage with gain controls so the preamp could be eliminated all together? I would like to keep the cost around $1000.00 or less. Would prefer tube as well.
Has anyone had luck with no preamp?
Tvad, how does the WPP200C compare to the Lehmann Black Cube? If I remember correctly from other forums, you have one.

Ed, do you own the WPP100C? If so, what's your impression? I just picked one up and am waiting for it to arrive.

I own the GCPH and it doesn't quite have enough gain for my .5mv cart.

I run it direct balanced to my amps (balanced is 3db higher than the unbalanced out) and I still would like it a bit louder.

But if you have either a higher output cart, or are willing to get a transfomer step up, then the GCPH is for you. Modded it supposedly is on par with $3000 units. I compared it n a home demo against the new phono stage I eventually ordered (the Tron Seven phono pre @$4000) and you know what, the GCPH wasn't embarassed at all. For it's price and settings and convenience it's a fantastic piece for driving amps direct, as long as you have a higher output cart or step up.

I agree with Tvad that the WPP200C is the way to go. I had both the WPP100C and the WPP200C at the same time. I, as well as others, whose opinions I trust found the WPP200C to be quieter and more involving with a bit better dynamics. These were compared side by side in my system with nothing changed but the phono preamp. There are lots of 6ER5s around. They are a very linear tube, used in UHF TV tuners. Sad thing is, they are a little noisy. I tried a number of different 6ER5s just to be sure. I kept the WPP200C and have no plans to change. Mind you, this was mine and others' opinion in my system only.
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