Picture discs - Collectors items?


I have an opportunity to buy a few dozen new, sealed picture discs - leftover inventory.

I have a few questions, please. I shall use the abbreviation PD to refer to them following.

Were PDs just a novelty and suitable only for memorabilia collectors? I realise that PDs were being released just at the beginning of the CD era.

Were PDs pressed from a superior grade of vinyl? I've seen them in different colours.

Does the colour of the PD vinyl make a difference in the sonic quality of the recording?

Were any PDs re-mastered at all? Again, this was at the time that CDs were being introduced and some recordings were re-mastered.

I am not looking to buy and then sell this stuff on eBay but to add to my collection.

Thanks and regards,

Comparing Bostons album to either Billy Ray Cirus or Michael Jackson shows such a weak grasp of the point I was making I wont waste time on a reply.
Musicslug I have that Motor Booty Affair PD I always thought it was George Clinton on the Waterskis.I have many PDs including FDR Fireside Chats on 10" and 2 gals getting it on which is a scratch and sniff PD on cardboard,but no I have never had the curiousity or nerve to test it out. A guy locally buys any and all PDs from me at 5 bucks a pop,He decorates with them.I have sold him well over a hundred.Sold two copies of a Manilow shaped (his head) PD on eBay one at 12 the other at 18,so can't really say they're worthless.
Be vary with picture discs. There are SO many bootlegs out there, it's really hard to tell what is legit and what isn't.

Besides, like others are saying - they do sound crap!
05-30-08: Shadorne
I have the Boston first album picture disc......

I wouldn't admit that in public.......LOL

There are actually a lot of things I won't admit too in public.

Like paying Foreplay/Longtime on Rockband with my kids and nephew with my TD-9 drums (hooked up via R8 Midi Solutions and circuit mods/wiring to the PS3 Rockband Drumset)

I guess some people get Harley's in their mid life crisis - I got a drum set - boo-yaa!
The best sounding vinyl is clear - colorants add to the noise floor. I have a PD of Tubular Bells that after 20 years of playing is as noise-free as a CD.