Pimping your router

1. Use a wired router only
2. If wireless router is needed, separate router for wifi
3. only streamer, NOTHING ELSE connected 
4. use LPS to feed router
5. use shortest possible quality cable to streamer
6. use Acoustic Revive RLT-1 filter on spare router or streamer port
7. wrap router and LPS in EMI/RFI shielding material
8. use EMO EN70-HD filter near streamer for ethernet connection
9. use quality shielded cable between router and internet access point

All of these will individually improve your streaming SQ, in aggregate the effect is significant
Enjoy the music

I'm planning ahead, with mind to improve streaming. Has to be via wifi. Have an LPS ordered for my modem and wireless router. Also bought a TP-Link repeater for my streamer, as it has an ethernet port. Will go Meicord Opal to streamer.

Considering for next year:

1. Fidelizer Airstream wireless router.

2. EtherRegen.

Where should I put a network bridge in this chain? Are there any with less than 8 ports?

Then will look at a clock a little later for the EtherRegen.

The Etherregen should be directly in front of your streamer; the connection via Meicord Opal as short as possible. Rather than use a repeater consider using an Apple Airport as a repeater. Repeaters going via the power lines collect all sort of noise on the way. Alternatively you might use a mesh wifi setup.

From where I sit there is no need for a network bridge once you get the Etherregen since that is a 4 port switch in its own right. I’d also suggest you experiment with shifting the LPS to the Etherregen and consider getting a second one.

Thanks. I’d thought the EtherRegen should be last thing into the streamer. Have bought an 0.25m Meicord Opal for that task.

Have thought about cleaning up the signal from the repeater’s ethernet out. Options? Read about the Eno passive filter as a possibility. Others?


Will have to sell some gear in the new year, and can then look at getting an EtherRegen, plus an LPS for it. Have bought a few things in the last couple of months. A modded Dac, Project streamer, Akiko Tuning Stick and Tuning Chip, Black Ravioli Big pads, 2 x Meicord Opals, 2 x LPSs, a wifi extender, as well as had my amp recapped. Have also ordered SR Purple fuses for my amp and Dac.

That's been a busy couple of months.


If you want an EtherREGEN, I've read they only have parts to make a few hundred more. So you might want to look into that. I have an ER + LPS and love it. But you should also check into the ENO filter, does not require power, and several posters here on the Agon seem to think it is better than the ER. You should do some research and make decision. Good luck!

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