Pitch problem. Help

Hi folks,

I've had my Goldring GR1.2 for a few months now. Wonderful entry level table. Sometimes it sounds so good it's downright spooky. Quiet, accurate, and lush.

Other times, I can hear fairly serious pitch inaccuracies - especially on guitar or piano, I can literally here the pitch wobbling up and down.

This seems to change day-to-day. Last night, I listened to my new Johnny Cash album and was stunned. This afternoon, the pitch wobble has reared its ugly head, and the magic is gone.

What's happening here? Why would this happen some times and not others, on the same record? And what can I do?

Many thanks for your help.
The most common cause of pitch variations is from the spindle hole not being perfectly centered on the record.If you notice any side to side swaying of the tonearm during play, that's your culprit.It will usually be most noticeable with string and piano and greatest towards the end of a side.
It could be because the mains power at certain times is less than it should be i.e peak hour and subsequent draw on the power grid.After 11PM at night it will sound pretty good.Other times bad.You can try mains power conditioning to fix this.
also check to see that the motor pulley is secure to its shaft.If it's loose, a tiny drop of superglue will do the trick.
these days power sucks- Add a speed controller and get a strobe and a strobe disc to check rpm there are several such as VPI SDS also other inexpensive ones check Music direct or a-gon etc. I have the SDS which puts the magic back regardless of input current.